Tennis Club TK 77
Tennis club TK 77 is among the clubs with the richest tennis history in Slovakia. Since its foundation in 1977, the tennis club has been registered as a Civic Association and operates exclusively on the basis of the support of its members, the city of Skalica and other supporters. TK 77 hosts annual tennis tournaments for children and youth of all ages and is known for its hospitality, pleasant environment, unique atmosphere and valuable prizes for the most successful players.
In 2024, after the change of management, the main goal is the renovation of the club, the provision of a new inflatable hall for the winter part of the season, for which 50% of TK77 received subsidies from the state Fund for the development of sports and set itself the goal of obtaining more than €100,000 from supporters to ensure the club’s most important project in its history. The goal is also to create conditions for other visitors who are not tennis players and their families, for whom the goal is to create spaces for other leisure activities and lighter racquet sports. The modernization of the club, whose goal is to serve the public without generating profit, is therefore the main priority and motivation for the future.
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